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Energenesis Institute
John W. Davis
Somatic Coach
Entrepreneurial Coach
Reichian Therapist
John W. Davis is an educator/therapist and program administrator with over 40 years experience in the fields of wellness, healing and personal transformation. His work uses a mixture of breath work, emotional release and Chinese energy work. This training seeks to help you access your deepest vulnerability while exercising a solid sense of personal power and growing into an intimate relationship with your higher self.
John is currently Director and Core Instructor of the Energenesis Institute, based in Birch Bay, WA with offices in Seattle, WA and Los Angeles, CA.
His training includes study with internationally recognized teachers of Reichian Therapy, Postural Integration, Polarity Therapy, Chinese Medicine and Joint Mobilization.
At Stanford University, John was part of the Creativity in Business Program with Dr. Michael Ray. John is a long time member of the American Humanistic Psychology Association (AHPA). He is also a founding member of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy (USABP) and the Washington Professional Counselors Association (WAPROCA). John has delivered papers and held workshops at international conferences in Barcelona Spain, Mexico City Mexico, Boston MA, Montreal Canada, and San Francisco CA.

Washington 360-371-7330 I California 310-713-1559
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